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Monday, 27 February 2012

Shot List

Barrs Court Park:

 Amelia and Dan:
·         Still picture of a mid shot of them sitting on a bench
·         Mid-shot of her and the boyfriend sat down chatting.
·         Still picture of them stood next to the ducks this is a long shot.
·         Long shot of them running through the ducks away from the camera.
·         Still picture of them swinging on the swings this is a long shot.
·         Long shot of them swinging on the swings.
·         Still picture of them looking into each other’s eyes this is a close up.
·         Close of up them laughing and kissing.
·         Still picture of them together stood on the bridge this is a long shot.
·         Long shot of them stood on the bridge laughing and talking.
·         Still picture of them stood cuddling and play fighting this is an extreme long shot.
·         Extreme long shot of them play fighting as he swings her in the air.

Castle Park

Amelia and Dan:
Still picture of a mid shot of them two standing by waters edge.
Long shot of them sat on a bench.
Long shot of them two sat on the grass.
Mid shot of them stood by railings

By Amelia O'Callaghan

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